martes, 26 de julio de 2011

Lainey Gossip RSS

Lainey Gossip RSS

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Posted: 25 Jul 2011 11:57 PM PDT

Dear Gossips, Last year at Comic-Con two nerds got into a fight over a seat and one stabbed the other in the eye, um, with a pen. Violence is WRONG and it should not be funny and yes, you are reprimanding me for finding it funny.

Orly’s face on a baby

Posted: 26 Jul 2011 09:18 AM PDT

I was flipping through photo thumbnails on the database and as I passed these, seeing the baby very quickly, I thought to myself, that really is Orlando Bloom’s face on an infant’s body! The infant, of course, is his son Flynn, with his wife Miranda Kerr, arriving in Sydney, apparently for the first time since Flynn was born.

On Ron, Charlie, SoA

Posted: 26 Jul 2011 06:59 AM PDT

Like I said re: Game of Thrones, there’s less than a page of Sons of Anarchy panel photos from Comic-Con. And maybe 2 full body shots of Charlie Hunnam. As opposed of course to Twilight which takes up at least 30 pages between all its castmembers including, like, Ashley Greene and Nikki Reed.

Who will Justin blame this time?

Posted: 26 Jul 2011 05:36 AM PDT

Friends With Benefits was a big hit at the box office this weekend... Not! Look, it wasn’t a disaster but it was barely better if not worse than a Jennifer Aniston romantic comedy and, at just over $18 million, it did NOT out-earn its doppelganger No Strings Attached which opened at $19.

Endearing Andrew Garfield

Posted: 26 Jul 2011 04:17 AM PDT

By now you’ve all heard about Andrew Garfield at Comic-Con right? At the Spider-Man panel, he dressed up in a store bought Spidey suit and took to the mic with a rather geeky little speech about how much Spidey means to him.

Prisoner Bride & Prince Warden to sue

Posted: 26 Jul 2011 01:45 AM PDT

Her Serene Highness Princess Charlene and her husband Prince Albert of Monaco don’t appreciate that we keep thinking that she’s being held prisoner in a white castle. They insist that Charlene did not try to escape three times before her wedding and eventually had her passport confiscated and have filed papers in French court against L’Express Magazine for fuelling what they call “false rumours” about their relationship.

Big. TIFF.

Posted: 26 Jul 2011 01:30 AM PDT

The Toronto International Film Festival has just announced its initial line-up and it’s a blockbuster. This year will be a blockbuster. What? You want some names? How about these names: George ClooneyBrad PittMadonnaU2 – the opening night gala And SO many more.

Sponsored Tingles: Zoe Shoe Lust

Posted: 26 Jul 2011 01:19 AM PDT

We’re on to the last feature in our BAND-AID® Brand Celebrity Shoe Lust feature - the best shoes worn so far this year. Killer stacks. Likely killer pain. Heels. Straps. Toe pinch. Whatever.

The GMD could totally do Nessun Dorma

Posted: 26 Jul 2011 12:49 AM PDT

As we all know, the GMD got really into the singing for Rock of Ages. And they keep trying to tell us that he can actually sing for real. That we will be amazed by his vocal abilities. That his voice will complete you.

July 26, 2011 – Smutty Shout-Outs

Posted: 26 Jul 2011 12:01 AM PDT

Dearest Jane, happy bday sis! Where would I be without you?! A little taller I guess (more milk for me) and a little fatter (less competition). If I could get you anything (other than the iPad you demanded), you know I'd have Michael Muhney standing on your door step wearing only a big red bow! Love ya sis.

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