lunes, 5 de septiembre de 2011

TEN Gossip

TEN Gossip

Newsweek And Their 9/11 Covers

Posted: 04 Sep 2011 05:49 PM PDT

We all know that 9/11 is coming..well the anniversary of it. And to top it all off this year will be ten years since the tragedy. Now, for me personally I will never forget that day as long as I live…watching it play out on CNN. So when I saw these covers of Newsweek (the 9/11 issue comes out tomorrow) I thought I  had to post this early. It brings to mind some of the new ways that Americans (and the world) have learned to live since the tragedy.

“fear, grief, revenge, recovery, resilience”

Maybe the resilience one is the one that hit me the hardest. We have had to learn to be resilient to get through the last ten years. In this world we are never certain of tomorrow.



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