jueves, 22 de septiembre de 2011

TEN Gossip

TEN Gossip

The Name of an Ice Cream Offends You? Censorship OFFENDS Me.

Posted: 22 Sep 2011 11:01 AM PDT

I’ve always loved Ben & Jerry’s Ice cream, their flavors have been favorites of mine for years – and though they’ve missed the mark once or twice in my opinion, I didn’t stage a protest asking them to remove those from the shelves.
Have you heard of the new flavor “Schweddy Balls”? When I caught wind of it, I laughed, and then I went out looking for it, still haven’t found it – YET – but I digress.
Apparently, the name has outraged and offended a group of conservative women, “One Million Moms”, a division of the Mississippi-based American Family Association, so thoroughly, that they are asking people to take a stand and email the company, requesting that no additional batches of the ice cream be distributed. They go on to say that those writing should also highly recommend they refrain from producing another batch with this name or any other offensive names or you will no longer be able to purchase their products. REALLY?! They cite the name of the flavor as being “vulgar, and not something that you’d want your kids asking for in the grocery store.”
If you recall, this is also the group that had an issue with the company renaming “Chubby Hubby” as “Hubby Hubby” in support and celebration of Gay Marriage. So basically, it would seem, these women don’t want their kids to think for themselves, they don’t want them to say “vulgar” things, but they have no problem teaching them narrow minded bigotry. What a shining example for children – “Yes honey, we have Freedom of Speech and Expression, but only if you’re conservative and close minded.” Bullshit.
How did they get their kids in the first place? I can’t imagine how boring that sex must have been, if they’re this damn conservative…
Let me say this, I’m a mother (for all intents and purposes) and I have no issue with Ben & Jerry’s naming a flavor after a Saturday Night Live Skit, and the ONLY thing I’d send them correspondence for, is SUPPORT for all of their alternative names. I urge you to do the same, IF you want, and IF you believe that they’ve done nothing wrong.

A Featurette For ‘Drive’ Starring Ryan Gosling

Posted: 22 Sep 2011 09:35 AM PDT

If you know Ryan Gosling and the types of movies he does, you would know that he always picks characters that are  unique and challenging. I have to say that the character he plays in Drive fits the same criteria. In the featurette below he explains:

The synopsis of the movie goes like this: Ryan Gosling stars as a Los Angeles wheelman for hire, stunt driving for movie productions by day and steering getaway vehicles for armed heists by night. Though a loner by nature, Driver can’t help falling in love with his beautiful neighbor Irene (Carey Mulligan), a vulnerable young mother dragged into a dangerous underworld by the return of her ex-convict husband Standard (Oscar Isaac).

After a heist intended to pay off Standard’s protection money spins unpredictably out of control, Driver finds himself driving defense for the girl he loves, tailgated by a syndicate of deadly serious criminals (Albert Brooks and Ron Perlman). But when he realizes that the gangsters are after more than the bag of cash in his trunk-that they’re coming straight for Irene and her son-Driver is forced to shift gears and go on offense.

See the trailer here.

The movie is out in theaters now.

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