jueves, 22 de diciembre de 2011

TEN Gossip

TEN Gossip

Happy Birthday, Jackson!

Posted: 21 Dec 2011 05:33 PM PST

I know it’s a little later than desired, but hey, it’s not belated…yet.

I bet you’re wondering what I got you, right? It most definitely must be special, if I waited this long to spring it on you…yes? Care to venture a guess?

A stripper? … Nah, too cliche.
Cash? … Not enough thought goes into that.
Gift Card? … Overdone.

Okay, okay, I’ll stop keeping you in suspense! I got you *Drum roll please*

This post! Comparable to your friends taking you to a popular restaurant where they tell the servers it’s your Birthday, those servers in turn, come and sing to you horribly off key, over melted ice cream and cake that is dry and tastes like dirt! Aren’t I thoughtful? What a great gal I am! I know this is the best gift you could have ever gotten, but hey don’t be too rough on the others who were kind enough to attempt to get you something.
Remember, it’s the thought that counts, even if it doesn’t live up to the impossibly high bar that I have set. :P

In all seriousness, though. I hope your Birthday has been and will be incredible from beginning to end. A day surrounded by friends you’ll always remember and a night you’ll never forget, regardless of how many recreational beverages you may consume.

I’ll leave you with this, to start the first day of the next year of your life: “You can become blind by seeing each day as a similar one. Each day is a different one, each day brings a miracle of its own. It’s just a matter of paying attention to this miracle.” As long as you can remember that, as long as you can grasp it firmly with both hands, life can take on a new meaning.

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