martes, 20 de septiembre de 2011

TEN Gossip

TEN Gossip

Ryan Gosling Has Stolen My Heart

Posted: 19 Sep 2011 07:11 PM PDT

You already know that we here, at TEN, love Ryan Gosling – *breaks out the bullhorn and shouts* TAYLOR especially! *Puts it away with a mischievous grin*. Today though, he finished capturing my heart.
I know that most people expect celebrities to always be ‘on’, to be polite and take sh*t that none of the rest of us would take, simply because they have a job in the public eye. To borrow a word from Ryan – Hogwash. I am not nice all of the time, and if anyone is, they’re probably heavily medicated, and they most likely think that Spongebob is President.
What made me a Ryan girl? Watch this video:

See that? You can think it’s him being ‘cute’ all you want, but if you watch his demeanor, you’ll be able to recognize the irritation, and I don’t blame him. Nothing sexier than a man who knows when to smile and nod, or when to tell you to take it and shove it up the tailpipe. Josh Horowitz, no matter how funny he thought he was being, was a disrespectful douche bag of the anal persuasion. He deserved to be met with the facetious spirit of Ryan.

Amy Poehler The Cutest Thing At The 2011 Emmy Awards

Posted: 19 Sep 2011 04:02 PM PDT

I think of all the moments at the 2011 Emmy Awards last night…the one with Amy Poehler was the cutest. Just as Rob Lowe announced her name, Amy came rushing to the stage. Then the rest of the nominations for Outstanding Leading Actress in a Comedy, Melissa McCarthy, Tina Fey, Edie Falco, Laura Linney and Martha Plimpton, all went on stage.

It was a cute moment that looked like it was off the cuff. But apparently, it was all scripted. That goes to show you that Amy is amazing, making something scripted look flawless.

Congratulations goes to Melissa who won the Emmy for that category!

An Intriguing George Clooney Commercial

Posted: 19 Sep 2011 03:22 PM PDT

I thought this George Clooney commercial from Norway was so cute. The site I found it on actually had the funniest comments to the commercial I have ever seen.

The tag line for the commercial goes like this:

Some people are lucky in life. For the rest of us, saving up can be smart.

Don’t we all wish we could wake up and be married to George?

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