martes, 20 de septiembre de 2011

VOTE: Which GOP Candidate Would Best Handle Israel-Palestine Conflict?; When Is Satellite Set to Crash Into Earth?

September 20, 2011

VOTE: Which GOP Candidate Would Best Handle the Israel-Palestine Conflict?

As Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas makes a push for statehood at the United Nations, many are blaming the move on President Obama's Mideast policies. So, which GOP candidate would best handle the relationship between Israel and Palestine?

• Tell Us What You Think

• Rick Perry Rips Into Obama's 'Mideast Policy of Appeasement'

• Juan Williams: Any Hope Obama Administration Had for Peace Is Dust

COMMENT: Should Convicted Cop-Killer Troy Davis Be Executed or Granted Clemency?

A Georgia parole board denied clemency to Troy Davis, but the case continues to draw massive attention as organizations like Amnesty International speak out about what they say would be a wrongful execution. What do you think should happen in this case?

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DETAILS: Satellite May Crash Into Earth on Friday

What is NASA saying about a 6 and a half-ton satellite barreling toward Earth?

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